The Lispenard Seabury Crocker Bowl to stimulate interest and efforts in preservation for use and enjoyment of local, natural areas in the Piscataqua region
The Margaret McKee Gerrity Bowl to stimulate excellence in flower arranging, judging, and garden design
The Marion Prince Hosmer Fellowship Award Pin for Flower Arranging, Horticulture, Conservation and or educational activities
Flower Arranging
The Etheldreda Seabury Reid Bowl, novice class most points, 2018 Nancy Loftus
The Joan Dalrymple Lyman Bowl, intermediate class most points, 2018 Barclay Jackson
The Ruth Horton Metcalf Bowl, advanced class most points, 2018 Jeannie Poore
The Marion Prince Hosmer Bowl, most points for Horticulture in one season, 2018 Lisa Lovejoy
The Marion Jarves Alger Bowl, most points in Horticulture in one season, 2018 Carolyn Rini
The PGC Photography Bowl most points over 2 years, 2018 Danna Dearborn
The Piscataqua Garden Club Special Award Certificates for special service. 2018: Deb Chag, Meredith Elvidge, Kathryn Job, Jean Lincoln, Ann Tarlton, Ronni Freiberger
The Mary Chamberlaine Reid Memorial Bowl for outstanding service in club activities to a member of not more than 5 years. 2018 Deborah Twombly